Goshen Scout Reservation - Camp Ross

Goshen Scout Reservation - Camp Ross

from $305.00

For current Bears through Webelos (3rd through 4th graders)

July 13 - 19, 2025

Carpooling from Navy Elementary will be available!

Camp Ross is great fun for older Cub Scouts and their adult leaders. The staff helps to provide an added level of comfort as these young men and women prepare to bridge into Scout Troops.


Camp Ross offers a variety of programs and opportunities for Webelos and Arrow of Lights to enjoy throughout the summer camping season. Programs like BB Guns, Archery, Lake Swimming, and Nature are all offered at Camp Ross. The Camp will provide an activities schedule for Monday and Tuesday and the Scouts create their own schedule for Wednesday-Friday.

  • Archery & BBs - earn your shooting pin, bring your own target

  • Aquatics - boating, lake swimming, water trampoline

  • Handicraft - tie dye, leatherwork, paracord, escape room

  • Nature - flora and fauna, geology, constellations, fishing

  • Scoutcraft - fire building, knots, outdoor cooking, shelter building, teamwork challenges

  • Hiking

  • Evening Programs

Please note that all prices, including a convenience fee, are charged by the credit card companies, and $25 for all materials required for camp programs

Youth Price:  

  • $570 if paid before April 12 (includes camp activity supplies for various badges)

  • $600 if paid after April 12 (includes camp activity supplies for various badges)

Adult Price:  

  • $305 if paid before April 12

  • $345 if paid after April 12

We are required to maintain a 1:4 adult to Scout ratio with a minimum of 2 adults at all times.

Can only help for 1 day? Contact Jessica Leabo before registering, JessieT51@gmail.com, as we have at least two week-long adult registration that may be shared.

Forms & Downloads:

Adult Requirements:

We welcome parents and trained Scout leaders to attend camp with their Scouts. At any time, a Unit must have two adults over the age of 21 who are registered with the BSA. If there are female youth members, one of those adults must be female. Adults, anyone ages 18 and up, who are present at camp for 72 total hours need to be registered with the BSA and need to have current online youth protection training. The 72 hours do not need to be consecutive. Everyone in camp must have Parts A & B of the BSA Medical Form. Any youth or adult camper staying for more than 72 hours and/or participating in camp activities must also have Part C and the NCAC Health Advisory.


Each summer, funds from the Greg Augustine Campership Fund are made available to help campers be able to attend a week of summer camp and have meaningful experiences. The Campership Committee will convene and make award designations. Requests received after the due date will only be considered if funds are still available

Apply for a Campership Here before March 1st

Refund Policy:

On or before July 31, 2023, a refund of 85% of registration costs will be granted for any reason by request. After July 31, 2023, registration costs may be donated or saved as rollover credit.

Additional Information:

Visit https://www.gotogoshen.org/camps-programs/camp-ross/ for more information (do not register with the council - use the link below to register through the Pack website).

Questions: contact Jessica Leabo, JessieT51@gmail.com

Registration Type:
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